Brand Tracking Survey

Finding the baseline in awareness, attitudes, and favorability of a higher education institution among college students and the general population for an upcoming ad campaign.

*'The School' is anonymous for confidentiality reasons.

Role: Lead Researcher

Method: Survey

Company: Mid-Size Creative Agency


  • 'The School' has strong brand awareness (aided and unaided)

  • 'The School' is present in recent conversation

  • 'The School' is favored as a community college in Idaho

  • People have similar perceptions towards 'The School' as they do towards community colleges in general


A survey was sent via Survey Monkey to two populations: Boise metro area general population and Idaho college students.


  • 95% confidence interval

  • 6% margin of error


  • 353 Boise metropolitan adults

  • 258 Idaho college students (I personally recruited 100)

Boise Area Sample

Idaho College Student Sample


A survey was created with a mix of open-ended questions, Likert-type questions, and multiple choice.

The questions established metrics for each population that measured:

  • Brand Awareness (Aided and Unaided)

  • Brand Preference

  • Attitudes

  • Brand Favorability

The survey was written in a style that could be replicated to measure progress after the ad campaign launches.


Results from the survey were cross-tabbed between the two populations and between the different demographics of our sample.

Percentages, averages, and mode were calculated for likert-type data and presented with histograms. Additionally, the open-ended questions were coded for common themes.

Overall, this report for successful in providing the ad agency with a baseline of key metrics to compare against when they launch their campaign and redo the survey.

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